İngilizce'de sıklıkla yanlış kullanılan bazı kelimeleri zamanla buraya not edeceğim :)
✨ Afraid of
(Don’t say) afraid from
Dogs were mortally afraid of the leopard smell.
(Köpekler leopar kokusundan ölümcül derecede korkuyorlardı.)
✨Accustomed to
(Don’t say) accustomed with
She had not yet become accustomed to the fact that she was a rich woman.
(Zengin bir kadın olduğu gerçeğine henüz alışmamıştı.)
✨Angry with
(Don’t say) angry against
She was very angry with the person who stole her new bike.
(Yeni bisikletini çalan kişiye çok kızgındı.)
✨Jealous of
(Don’t say) jealous from
They were jealous of his success.
(Onun başarısını kıskanıyorlardı.)
✨Look at
(Don’t say) Look to
Adriana did not look at them, afraid of what she would see, afraid of who she would find.
(Adriana gördüklerinden korkarak, kimi bulacağından korkarak onlara bakmadı.)
✨Opposite to
(Don’t say) opposite from
His house is opposite to ours.
(Onun evin bizimkinin karşısında.)
✨Pleased with
(Don’t say) pleased from
I'm pleased with the way things have been going.
(İşlerin gidişatından memnunum.)
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